Is Your Relationship Ruining Your Football Career?

Is Your Relationship Ruining Your Football Career?

A strong understanding of your partner's short and long-term goals is essential in maintaining peace in relationships. When it comes to football careers, little can be done to help a relationship if the lady entered the relationship blindly. Football careers put athletes through trying times, physically and emotionally. These challenges can translate to major stress in relationships between football stars and their spouses. In this article, dating site coaches have shown what makes relationships strong and weak, and how it can affect your goals. A relationship can get ruined for any number of reasons, including interference from family and friends. Of utmost importance are partners developing an understanding of how their career choices and their spouses will affect their relationships in the long-run. Failure to learn this earlier during the relationship is a dismal attempt to create any long-lasting union.  Read on to find out some of the ways a relationship can slowly, yet surely, ruin your football career.

Partner Argues about Your Working Time and Time Spent with Each other

At one point or another, any couple joined together in holy matrimony, or indeed still dating, will experience stress associated with quality time. A footballer's wife should have insight into her hubby's practice time and be appreciative of the fact that he's bringing home money.  If your partner complains about you spending too much time working and less time with her, it could be a sign of an inevitable end to your union. Constant bickering signifies she never appreciated your zeal for the game, or she would have taken time to understand your busy schedule. It would have made for a healthier union, leaving room for one's to practise and competition needs.

Does Your Partner Ask You to Skip Important Training Events?

A surefire sign that your relationship is doomed is no support regarding your chosen career path. It can be career-ending when your partner insists you reduce training, to spend more time with them. Let's put this into perspective:

- She doesn't understand what it takes to perform the way you do on the field. That said, she has no idea that your skills need polishing to maintain your position in the team and retain a salary.
- If her lifestyle is as modest as expected of a footballer wife, she would better understand what it takes to live the life she does. That said, she may have other plans that don't involve having you in the picture.
- Worst case scenario – she plans to separate from you, perhaps even claim alimony or a divorce settlement. People have been known to end relationships in shady ways and then claim compensation to avoid living with someone. The relationship may have been doomed from the start, and this is a way out for her.

Partner Makes You Feel Guilty for Having a Personal Life and Goals

Does your partner put you on a guilt trip for having personal ambitions? If your partner is constantly bitter when you mention your personal goal, it may be worth asking why it bothers them.

- A dream of many athletes may involve self-actualization. It is something that transcends acquiring material wealth and other tangibles. It is simply something your football careered partner will undertake to fulfil a personal milestone set years back. If your partner sends you on a guilt trip regarding the same, spending your prime years with them may not be as healthy as you had previously thought.
- Another reason for a partner making you feel guilty about these personal goals you set for yourself is because they have none of their own. True to our nature, we tend to feel jealous of people who seem to have life figured out, and it's easy to tell why someone seems pressed to end your personal life goals. Any loving spouse will want to combine your ideas with theirs. It creates a beneficial business plan for the family as a whole.
- Perhaps having a personal life leaves them insecure. Some couples, especially high profile ones, live extravagant lifestyles they wouldn't want to share with anyone else. When a footballer has ambitious career goals sidelining their partner, it may create tension and unwarranted suspicion of infidelity, and a possible breakup. These assumptions can be catastrophic for a relationship, especially when one has good intentions and is fully focused on realizing a life-long dream one keeps alive.

A relationship's bond can become the weakest link if misunderstood or manipulated to cater to one individual's perverse needs. For footballers, finding a compatible wife is something that requires patience. This trait is not easy to come by, and many career footballers either divorce or never marry at all, claiming hostile environments. To find out if your relationship is putting up roadblocks in your career goals, keep track of the surefire signs listed above.