Ways that dating a footballer can totally transform your life

Ways that dating a footballer can totally transform your life

If you're single and start dating someone who plays football, there can be so many benefits, emotionally, physically and financially. Here are some positives.

Anyone who has been single for a while and meets up with a footballer certainly has the potential for having their life altered beyond their wildest dreams. Away from their chosen vocation, some of these guys might come across as dull. But for most, athletic prowess, passion, and a buoyant bank balance can be an irresistible combination.

What's so attractive about a footballer?

First of all, since the average annual wage in England's Premier League is £2,642,500, anyone getting into the position of being a top player's ‘plus one' is assured an exciting social life. Expensive cars. Designer outfits. Jewelry. Exotic holidays. Business-class air travel. A weekly income of £50,000 will cover any or all of the above. Be prepared to indulge in the more comfortable things in life, especially if the player you connect with is interested in eating out in exclusive restaurants or attending a diverse range of concerts, as opposed to the less engaged ones who might fixate on nothing more than trying to score goals in computer games.

Passion in the bedroom

Someone who is at the peak of their physical fitness and capable of running around for long periods might not necessarily be a Romeo. However, there's much to be said for getting involved in close encounters with someone used to demonstrating their athleticism, week in, week out. Many footballers live in mansions with ready access to jacuzzis or hot tubs where passions can be ignited.

How to connect with a player

Footballers are professional athletes who are entirely focused on their sport, for the 90 minutes they perform on the pitch, down to the many hours they spent attending training sessions or building their muscle strength at the gym. Traditionally, however, they do like to make the most of their leisure time by unwinding after the big match, often in their favourite bar or nightclub. Within any major town or city which plays host to one or more top clubs (there are 13 in London), there are venues which become associated as watering holes for certain star players.

Players on dating sites

The only trouble with attempting to get to know players is it can be problematic. The intense rivalry between clubs means individuals are sometimes prone to verbal or even physical abuse when they're ‘on the town,' so will invariably be surrounded by a cordon of minders. A far better way to approach single players would be by way of a virtual introduction, on a matching website . The level playing field offered by this environment means fans can message star players at will, with no heavyset bouncers keeping a beady eye on these exchanges!


As a spectator sport, football is massive, a sporting activity but also an intense form of entertainment. As such, the top players can earn close to movie star salaries; coupled with their physical attributes, this would make them an ideal catch for any singles. As well as getting used to a lifestyle where you would never have to stress about money worries ever again, you would gain fame by association. The person seen on the arm of any star player is going to have to get used to being snapped by paparazzi just as much as the person they're hand-in-hand with. As long as you are self-deprecating enough to avoid any of this fame and fortune going to your head, you are in for a thrilling experience.